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Going all in
2024 | 50cm x 50cm (framed) | Oil on board
This series of paintings draws on elements from fairy tales and fables and adapts them to reflect contemporary themes and everyday concerns. The king and queen are the dominant figures, yet they are represented by faceless wooden dolls draped with satiny fabric. This very general and anonymous rendition of the royal couple is an attempt to symbolize the diverse existing types of couples in relationships. The king and queen work as a team and each brings their own flavour and strengths in the things they do. At times, life throws curve balls your way and presents you with challenging situations, and it is during these instances where couples need to be open to take risks, relinquish their control, give it their all and just go all in, with the aim to come out stronger and even closer.
Stylistically, I bring together hyperrealism and pop art elements in an attempt to create a unique dimension where things that are real and that we are very familiar with, co-exist and merge with 2-dimensional elements in an imaginary space that still echoes references to our contemporary everyday life, and the situations we might face daily.
Art works: Selected Work
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